Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Description of I...

I am a person who like to work with different people all the time. I like to have people that I can trust and rely on around me. I don't like stagnant positions. I get bored easily if I don't try and do something different / new. I don't think I am fit to work an 8 hour behind the desk that kind of thing.

I like to move around. I like the feeling that my job helps other people mentally. I like to do thing by heart. I get used by people quite a lot. I like to draw. I like to make pop up cards and work with my hands. I like making money and use it to make people around me and myself happy. I interested in Art Therapy, I am finding out more about DIR/Floortime. I want to help Audrey, I think I can connect well with her and looking at the Floortime course, I know I can help her. I think I will enjoy working as a therapist better than as a project manager. I can do a good job being a project manager. I can manage people and things well. I will enjoy more being a therapist though. 

I have this attraction towards these ASD kids. They are just wonderful people just like you and me once you can connect with them. And I know I can help them to be connected. I feel they are even sweeter than normal kids, because of their deficits, they are in a way more lucky.
I like doing things to help others/charity. I did a better design for ka Johnny and Cisca compared to when I'm working for the money. I am more motivated when I see progress in other people lives. I can be an art therapist who's able to help to expand it in Asia/Indonesia.

I have a very logical mind. My logical mind is very demanding and firm. I need to have a steady income. I want progress in the career ladder so I can have more money to enjoy. I can not living as an artist. I will not be satisfied with being an art therapist. I can change my mind again.
The school fee is expensive, how can I afford it? Actually I can, yes I can, with God's help.

My heart tells me to listen and wait for his next step. My mind wants to rush off to a decision!
I am trapped between my own self. That is the worse scenario possible.


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