Monday, October 30, 2006

Tommy Suharto Freed!!

Tommy Suharto, a spoiled son of an ex ruler of the 3rd world country. Pampered from the day he was born into this world, prepared to be the prince of hell wit all the evil that come with it.

Only in Indonesia, where a killer, a master mind of a murder, can be released less than 6 years. And it's not even a full 6 years, in between he can go in and out of the prison as he like. Gosh! This country is really sucks! I'm so embarass of Indonesia.

No wonder a lot of us want to change our citizenship. We are already in a deep shit. When are these people going to realize these! Wake up and start to do good. For once be sincere and actually think for the good of the nation! And they call us the chinese un patriotic! What a crap!

You get sentence 3 years for stealling a chicken to continue your existence in this world, because you are a poor being. But you get less than 6 years with free passes to go in and out of prison during your time for murder (a well planed murder!) because you are the son, the prince of the ex tiran!